Sunday, 20 July 2008

Damien, aka Finley William

You have to read the previous post to get the idea .... but I had to share the screaming infant - lol. And, no, there are no triple 6's .....
The photo wasn't taken last night/this morning but you get the idea .... Despite all that though, he is still absolutely gorgeous, although he doesn't look it here - lol. There's a more flattering photo on the left ....
I even got to see the sunrise - not a common occurrence with me ....


Unknown said...

The sunrise looks fab - poor little Finley - Have missed looking at your blog BTW - your latest stuff is fabulous X

Ed said...

Even Nanna's little soldier boys have to shed a tear sometimes Sue, isn't he growing? I can really see a difference.......
Ed xx

*jean* said...

Finley is ADORABLE!!! Yes, you can join the's just to push ourselves farther and share the journey!!!! Post an entry!!!