Tuesday, 30 September 2008

An Awfully Big Art Adventure ... An Album in a Matchbox ...

Rosie and Linda's Awfully Big Art Adventure this week is to create an Album in a Matchbox .... Ih I took this quite literally and created a Photo Album of some of my favourite photographs, ranging from way back to my grandmother, through to my parents, my brothers and my children, up to today, with my grandson, Finley, the Gorgeous One. In fact, I got so carried away that there are 20 photos in all - and I could have kept going .....
I didn't use the smallest Matchbox, partly because I don't do small and partly because it wouldn't have fitted and I found one that was ideal - 8cm x 5 1/2cm x 3 1/2cm. The outside of the Matchbox is covered with a scrap of Basic Grey paper and decorated with a metal panel.The inside of the Matchbox is swooshed with acrylic paints and dabbed off with kitchen towel. The base of the Album is attached to the bottom of the Matchbox and the top page is decorated with another metal panel.The actual Album is made out of accordion folded strips of black card and if it was laid out flat it would measure a massive 39" long .....
I like scrapbooking and have done quite a few albums but I have never made anything like this before. My daughter now wants me to make one for her partner's parents for Christmas, with photographs of The Gorgeous One ....
Hope you like it ....


Rosie said...

Sue this is BRILLIANT! Aren't you clever, I love the metal panel, the curved edges and how many photos you managed to include!! Thanks for taking part.

Ed said...

Brilliant is an understatement, it's amazing Sue, you are sooo patient and clever.

Mary S. Hunt said...

now this is CLEVER
and what a creative displaying piece
you out did yourself!

Sandy said...

Wow absolutely brilliant.
Unbelievable work. Love them.

Anonymous said...

awesome detail. and knowing how hard is was for me to work this small, I say, WOW. love how many photos you've got to fit in such a tiny space. I'm very impressed.

Sammie said...

This is outstanding! What more is there to say other than that Iam in awe of your creativity.

Viola said...

Fabulous work, Sue! :o)

Anonymous said...

Awwwww - thanks everyone for your lovely comments ....

Linda Vincent said...

Sue...you have created something really special here. This will be a family heirloom!
Thanks for joining in with our challenge; we are all so glad you did!
Love Linda

Sharon said...

Sue this is wonderful.... don't you just love metal.....
And how many photos!!!! so many in a small box to treasure.. Love it
And what a wonderful present to give... The best one's are the one's made for you... well done

Sharon x

nancy said...

Wow. This is beautiful.

Unknown said...

Like it???? I love it - tis stunning - you clever girly you!!!

Ed said...

Sooos me again- a little something different for you on my blog :-)

Jaqi said...

Wow, you managed to get lots into your matchbox, it looks great. Very Clever, thanks for sharing, Jaqi

Minxy said...

OH wozzer this is absolutly stunning, well done you, i must get out my matchboxes for a play soon!