Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Mixed Media with Suzi Blu

As some of you may know, I recently joined an on-line course run by Suzi Blu - Les Petites Dolls (see the posting in late August). I really don't know what the matter is with me lately but everything I'm doing at the moment is taking over my life - lol - but in the nicest possible way. (I have also signed up for the latest Shimelle course - Learn Something New Every Day - but more about that another time).
Anyway Les Petites Dolls is all about drawing Dolls. I have said many, many times before that I cannot draw but as Suzi says - there is no such word as can't ..... so here are some photos of my offerings so far ....This is a Homework piece, called as you can see, Head Tilts. The object of the exercise is to draw Faces with Eyes looking in different directions and with different expressions. I think that some of these look positively alien and demonic ...Another Homework piece, Gestures. While it looks childish (which is what it is supposed to be - lol) it showed me that I know absolutely nothing about perspective, shape or form. Still onwards and upwards ....More homework practice. The lower face looks totally scary and spaced out !!!!
And more homework - using colour and shading. I have to say, I am quite proud of these ....
This is where I am up to at the moment. The object of the exercise is to draw your Doll onto birch plywood. You then burn the sketch into the wood. I have a Creative Hotmarks Tool - something I bought ages ago because I saw it on the TV and thought, as you do, 'I got to have me one of those' and then promptly only used it the once - lol. Once you have burnt your Doll you then dress her with papers and then apply loads of different types of paint and stuff. That bit will have to wait now until the weekend.
So there you have it ... what do you all think?


Unknown said...

Well Done you ... Great work and Homework too ... you should go straight to the top of the class!

Ed said...

love your faces Sue - everybody interprets things differently - look at Picasso's work !! If he can paint an eye hanging out of an ear and it's worth millions - hang in there !! I may send you a begging letter yet :-)

Sally said...

I love those doll images. Obviously Suzi has never met me. I truly cannot draw a straight line even with a ruler and all my people look like stick figures with pumpkin heads. Yours are fantastic. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such nice comments.