I did say that all was done on the 'making front' but there have been one or two extras - well there would be wouldn't there - lol ....
The Lucky Sixpence tags for the children. I managed to get said sixpences relatively clean - after all they are old money - lol ....The ID Badges for the children (so they know they are 'Very Important People') ....
The Lottery Ticket envelopes ....
And herein lies a drama, which was off the Richter Scale. First off No 1 Daughter said they would be scratch cards but bought tickets. Gave me said Tickets and wallet cards she had bought. The tickets hung over the edge of the wallet cards and then she decided she wanted a poem inside. Frantic hunt around for 39 matching envelopes which I had and then I spent a good three or four hours printing, die cutting, sticking - only to find when I got to the end that I was two Lottery tickets short. The extreme hissy fit that followed prompted some very bad language on my part in a text to the West Midlands Hub I can tell you. All was resolved by a very sheepish child turning up half an hour later - 'Mummy, I forgot me and James' and with two more Lottery tickets. If ever I was potentially up for being investigated by Social Services - it would have been then.
Last night I started a little surprise for the soon to be newly weds - a Wedding Smash book - but typically me - I'm not 'smashing' but being a bit too precise. Hey ho - lol.
Anyways now is the time for some very big Thank Yous -
1. To Sue - the one who hasn't got a blog but should have, the CEO of the West Midlands Hub and the one who has been on this journey with me every step of the way. Thanks honey - couldn't have done it without you xx
2. To Helen - the sister of the West Midlands Hub CEO for stepping in to save the day with her beautiful handwriting for the place name cards - and buying a new eraser. Thanks ever so Helen xx
3. To Stephen - for making the ID badges and generally helping out with the IT stuff. I know I still owe you a couple of beers ...
4. To Judy in the US who has always commented on the blogged wedding preparations .... xx
5. To Nanny Wendy at The Stamp Attic who supplied the majority of the crafting supplies for this mammoth project .... xx
6. To the ladies at The Glitter Pot where we went, complete with children, to chose the original papers ...
And finally, before I go off to have my hair done - a photo of the garden when it was sunny earlier today - a beautiful spirea, euynomous (spelling - lol) and a tall spiky yellow perennial that I have no idea whatsoever of the name of ....
1 comment:
I wish I had all the goodies you are making for the wedding. WOW. so its the countdown......
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