Sunday, 15 July 2012

An Assemblage ....

I'm doing another Andy Skinner online course - Timeworn - and I tell you people - the man is sooooooo clever, even though I have gluey porridge in the carpet and I now have a 'painting nightdress' lol.  The course is nearly at an end and everyone is invited to submit a final piece using the techniques that we've learned.  I don't really have a clue what an assemblage is - some of the pieces that are being made are absolutely outstanding.  Also at the moment I don't have time to go rummaging in charity shops and at car boots - and seeing as I had a massive de-clutter a couple of years ago (and I mean massive - to the point of now living in quite a minimalist environment - lol) - I don't really want to because, I know me, I will end up with a load of stuff that 'might come in handy' - lol.
To be fair I was getting a little bit despondent about the whole 'final piece assemblage' thing and then I was in the shed checking to see that I still had my strimmer after some nice person stole my lawnmower (another story for another time) and I had a light bulb moment and thought 're-create the shed'.  I love my garden and my shed, even though it's in dire need of a re-paint and the roof needs re-felting, so I had a rummage and came up with a couple of these ....,
The next stage was to get the wooden seed trays to start to look like my shed - all weather worn.  It wouldn't be fair to Andy to say how it was done but I have to tell you I had great fun with a cooks blow torch and I didn't lose my eyebrows in the process - although there was one incident - lol - but we won't go there, otherwise No. 1 son will come and take it away from me .... 
Again - without describing the techniques here's where I got to yesterday .....
I've just done some more to the two seed trays and it looks totally different to the point that I could have my shed, or part of it at least, in the kitchen - lol.  I'll take some more piccies outside a bit later on, so you can see what I mean .....
Off now to make some bits and pieces to go in The Shed Assemblage .......

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