Thinking about those people in the UK still in the grips of the snow and ice and on the opposite side of the coin and the world those poor people caught up in the dreadful fires in Australia, I feel just a tad guilty because the weather here in West Sussex this weekend has been really good, so much so that I spent yesterday out in the garden....
It was cold but quite sunny yesterday and I set to and tidied up the shed, swept it out and got rid of the cobwebs, oiled the lawn mower and had a general potter about in the garden. I also set up my new bird feeding station on the patio, near to my sitting room window .....

The birds are loving this and it's a vast improvement on the mish mash of delapidated feeders that were dotted around, where I couldn't really see them. I'm going to have to be strong and not let breakfast watching the birds make me late for work - lol.
Today it's even better and the sun is streaming down, so I might have another little potter around outside ......
Whereever you are - enjoy your day ....
Whereever you are - enjoy your day ....
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